Quick and easy to use
In our opinion, the simplicity and ease of use is the best thing about Clean Detail. No matter what the area, use it this way on any dry area for the best results.
Lightly mist Clean Detail evenly over the surface you need to be cleaned. We find it's best to do smaller sections at a time, so it doesn't all evaporate away. Use enough product to have the area mildly damp, then lightly wipe over it with a clean, folded Big Softie microfibre cloth. Finish it off by turning the cloth over to a dry side and gently buffing the area for a perfect, natural looking finish.
If you're doing a bigger area, use two Big Softie cloths; one for product removal and the other for buffing to a clean finish.
Check your cloth often for dirt in it. Don't use the dirty sections again, turn it to a clean side and replace for a new cloth once all sides have been used.
Clean Detail is lubricating, but it's not made to use on areas that are excessively dirty or with heavy build ups of grime. You're always best to clean those by rinsing down with water first and then washing with any of our car washes and water.
Thanks to Perfection Automotive Detailing for the image of him using his favourite quick bike cleaner here. :)