Clean Detail - for fast and easy cleaning
One of our favourite products is the Clean Detail spray, mainly due to its brilliant, quick cleaning properties. It's a stand-out addition to many car enthusiasts/lovers car care cleaning kit. To understand its place in our car care family, here is our story on its unique properties and how it can possibly help you too.
A short product history
We first made this detailing spray formula way back in 2002, it was a slightly different version to what we have now and had another name back then too - Auto Body Detail, which was later shortened to Body Detail. It was always super hassle free to use, cleaned well, was lubricating, had a little bit of protection back then and we used it on all our cars happily. We are always creating and evolving our car care, so when we created the more protective Fully Slick and Boss Gloss sprays we saw a need to change the orginal formula slightly. We did this over removing it from our car care family, as it had unique attributes that the two others could not.
Basically we honed its formula right in and first removed its protection attributes, as the two new sprays were a lot better for this and from there we really focused in on its cleaning power. It also got a brand new name - Clean Detail.

Our Unique Formula
Our chemists really did a great job with this one for us. Here's some of the best attributes that we love:
- Awesome cleaning power and a low vapour point: This combination is what makes this product so great. Our other detailing sprays have no cleaning power, and the products we have for deeper cleaning, like Orange Agent or Sublime Clean, need to be rinsed away with water as they have a more detergent based cleaning base and don't evaporate away cleanly. As Clean Detail cleans and evaporates away so well, it's perfect for fast cleaning of engine bays, door jambs, chrome, intricate grills and many other places that traditionally attract grime to them.
- Matte finish friendly: Although it leaves a nice natural shine, it does not have any over the top ingredients for adding extra depth to paint, like our wax and other sprays have. This makes it ideal for all matte finishes and matte vinyl wraps on your car and bike. We've always used it on our muscle cars bonnets with their satin to matte finish looking exactly like they should.
- Anti-static and silicone free: So the dust doesn't become attracted and bond onto the surfaces you've just cleaned. For this reason alone it's now very popular with people who love riding bikes, as they get way less dust while out on their weekend rides. It's also popular with courier companies who use it on the back windows of their vans to stay cleaner, longer. Big screen TV owners too are fans, as you don't get that static dust build up on the screen any longer - we find it very cool to use before the Bathurst race each year.
- Safely removes recent water spotting, fresh tree sap and bird/bat droppings: We keep a little Mini Me bottle in our road cars for these three things, that all need to be removed ASAP after occuring. The quicker you can remove them, the lesser the chance you have of them etching into and damaging your paint. With bird and bat droppings, its deeper cleaning action gets into the dry remains, with ample lubrication making them safer and easier to remove.
- Not damaging to plastics: Use it on any hard surface, even clear perspex with no fear; it cleans them all!

Quick and easy to use
In our opinion, the simplicity and ease of use is the best thing about Clean Detail. No matter what the area, use it this way on any dry area for the best results.
Lightly mist Clean Detail evenly over the surface you need to be cleaned. We find it's best to do smaller sections at a time, so it doesn't all evaporate away. Use enough product to have the area mildly damp, then lightly wipe over it with a clean, folded Big Softie microfibre cloth. Finish it off by turning the cloth over to a dry side and gently buffing the area for a perfect, natural looking finish.
If you're doing a bigger area, use two Big Softie cloths; one for product removal and the other for buffing to a clean finish.
Check your cloth often for dirt in it. Don't use the dirty sections again, turn it to a clean side and replace for a new cloth once all sides have been used.
Clean Detail is lubricating, but it's not made to use on areas that are excessively dirty or with heavy build ups of grime. You're always best to clean those by rinsing down with water first and then washing with any of our car washes and water.
Thanks to Perfection Automotive Detailing for the image of him using his favourite quick bike cleaner here. :)

Some tips to remember
If you're cleaning dirtier areas, especially for the first time, use it with our Dirty Deeds cloths over the Big Softie cloths.
For a greater gloss on the surface you're cleaning, use our Boss Gloss, Fully Slick or Lazy Wax right after Clean Detail.
With Clean Detail being more for cleaning; not a protective detailing spray, it cannot be layered and is not suitable to use right after applying our waxes or paint sealants.
Not car related... But we use it as a white board cleaner and even a desk cleaner in our office!
Another handy use is after the Paint Cleanse & Restore, to quickly clean away any "high spots" or sections you may have missed on the paint, before you apply our Boss Gloss, Fully Slick or Lazy Wax.

Any questions?
We love our Clean Detail spray for the way it cleans so much quicker and with less fuss than anything else we have in our range.
You can get it at many of our great retailers nationwide. Find your closest store in the link at the bottom of this article.
If you have any questions or feedback about this article please contact me by email - or call our office on 1800 351 308.
Love your car,
Dan Bowden

Products Used

Clean Detail
A safe cleaning detail spray, for quick work on engine bays, door jambs, interior hard surfaces and more.

Big Softie - Gulf colours
Big and super soft, this beautiful cloth is a must have for your detailing kit.

Clean Detail Pack
If you're after the quickest clean and detail for your car, you need this little pack.