Customer Open Day 2014 with Kevin Bartlett.
18 February 2014

Our first tour with our very best customers in 2014 was a real winner of a day. Having not had any tours here for the last few months it took our team 2 full days of detailing to get all the cars and shed ready for the day.. Thank god we know someone who makes good car care product!!
We had everyone turn up on time, a full capacity crowd, with a lot of people having travelled some massive distances to be there for the day. Let me put it out there, the day was a very Qld summer day, hot and humid, even first thing in the morning we had everyone trying to find some shade before we began the day.
After the initial greeting and a few of our house rules, we split into two groups and began our 3 hour tour of the collection, with Chris Bowden taking one half and myself the other. The looks on people the first time they enter our shed is priceless, I might have to get a camera just to make a compilation film from the looks of happiness and glee as they first lay sight on the beautiful race machinery inside our shed.
Straight after the tour both groups met up for our famous Aussie BBQ, and got a needed drink or two. Our team here at Bowden's Own had been preparing and making the feast for the past hour, and it was well received, with everyone doing their best to keep in the shade, out of the now searing heat of the day.
It was to get a whole lot hotter as the rumble up the top of the hill announced the arrival of the days special guest, race legend Kevin Bartlett. the big blue #9 Camaro peeked is head around the corner and came roaring down the road into the shed. KB emerged, making the joke "its a lot easier to get out of when upside down"! For the next 30 minutes the crowd had the pleasure of hearing some of the stories from KB's long and illustruous racing career, the 1000 bhp Indy racers certianly got my attention!
For the finale of the day we brought a couple of the old beasts to life, with the Geoghegan Super Falcon being the pick of the group. A great way we think to spend the day. It really was in our opinion another great tour and we thank all those who made the time to come along, as always it was our pleasure to share the collection with you all. Our next tour is looking to be in mid June, if you have ever wanted to come and see the collection, get yourself a kit of our car care to get the free tickets. More on the next day by clicking here.
Love your car,
Dan Bowden