The Brock 1978 A9X returns home.
12 December 2014

We believe that one of the great responsibilites with owning anything historic, is making sure you share it with people. We have personally been upset to hear of great cars being locked away in private collections, that no-one can ever go see, hear or enjoy ever again. We do our best to make sure it does not happen with our cars, which is why we do our popular Open Day tours here at our home, three times a year. On top of that we have the race and show events that we do, and there is one small, but passionate museum in country NSW that we loan cars to as well.
Now before you think just having some passion is enough to let us loan you one of our prized racing machines, I should point out that this Museum is for us and many others, the spiritual home for Australian Motorsport, at Bathurst in NSW. The National Motor Racing Museum is a must visit destination for anyone who loves motorsport, whether it be on 4 or 2 wheels. It has a great selection of cars and memorabilia from many era's of racing at Bathurst and many other tracks Australia wide. Most importantly, it also heralds many of the great riders and drivers, that Aussie culture rightfully puts above the rest of us mere mortals! There are many fitting tributes to legendary racers including the King of the Mountain, Peter Brock. The tribute to Peter Brock in front of the Museum, would be one of the most photographed and shared items (on social media) in all of country NSW.
Last year we sent the A9X down from our collection, to help make up a great display of Peter Brock's iconic race cars. Arguably there were three of his most well know cars in the display; the 1979 Round Australia winning HDT VB commodore, the mighty dayglo "Big Banger" 1984 Bathurst winner and right with them the A9X from our collection, that won the 1978 ATCC and Bathurst with Jim Richards. Thousands were to see and no doubt remember PB, some getting quite emotional, I dare say as we did when we first saw them all together.
The A9X was well overdue for a service and check-up and a bit of change is always good, so this week she made her way home, back to its spot next to its equally favourite brethren, the Brock/ Richards 1979 bathurst winning A9X. She recieved a quick clean and loving coat of wax, something we do to pamper all the cars and welcome them home once again.
Getting some love.
The National Motor Racing Museum's mission is the conservation and preservation of material relevant to Australian motor racing history, and to enhance the understanding and significance of motorsport within Australia. We would be very un-Australian not to support that, so another great Bathurst car has left to take her place. Something you will see next time your in Bathurst no doubt.
Love you car,
Dan Bowden