Keeping it simple
Every day cars parked in the sun: Fine Clay Bar or Claying Rubber and Paint Cleanse & Restore the car at least twice a year (daily driven cars get more embedded dirt than most). Then apply the wax a minimum of every 3 to 4 months. Fully Slick should be applied after waxing and every month after washing with Auto Body Gel, Nanolicious Wash or Wax Wash for the best protection, especially in the warmer summer months.
Occasional use cars that live in a garage: Fine Clay Bar or Claying Rubber and Paint Cleanse & Restore once a year, wax every 3 months, apply Fully Slick every 2 months and after waxing. Remembering to show it more love in the warmer summer months.
Garage and show specials: Fine Clay Bar or Claying Rubber, Paint Cleanse & Restore and then wax once a year, or Paint Cleanse & Restore and wax before each show or once a year to keep it looking show-car special. Use Boss Gloss or Fully Slick just before and at the car show.
Be honest about the action your car sees and from the information above find the balance that matches! Simple huh?