Metal polishing with Blue Balls and the Quick Cone

After a few years of testing, we've put together an easy and very effective metal polishing system to suit just about any application. Using our Metal Polish for badly oxidised or harder metals, or our Shiny Stuff paste polish for that perfect finish, or for softer alloys and finer metals. Used in conjunction with our Blue Ball polishing balls, and/or Quick Cone polishing cone, this system of polishes and foams makes your metal polishing an absolute breeze.




Key points for the Blue Balls:

  • Mini Me ball is great for working on more intricate areas around wheels, grills and engine bays.
  • Big Daddy ball is perfect for larger areas like checker plate, bull bars and alloy bars.
  • Quality German low-density polishing foam, with thicker cut tabs for more efficient polishing power and longevity.
  • Uses a generic drill bit that will fit all electric drills and is reversible for when the foam begins to show wear. Simply undo it and flip to the new side, so the balls last longer.
  • The Mini Me ball comes with an interchangeable, plastic-shielded extension rod, so the steel shaft spins safely inside. Prevents accidental damage around difficult to reach areas and also allows you to hold it for better control of the ball. This plasti shield can also be added to the Big Daddy ball and the Quick Cone.
  • Washes clean with our Microfibre Wash for plenty of polishing jobs well into the future.


Key points for the Quick Cone:

  • Large surface area makes it suitable for doing large metal areas around your vehicle.
  • Curved foam design moulds to different shapes easily.
  • Perfect for deep dish wheels.
  • Quality German low-density polishing foam, with thicker cut tabs for more efficient polishing power and longevity.
  • Washes clean with our Microfibre Wash for plenty of polishing jobs well into the future.



Our two metal polishes


Shiny Stuff:

A fine grade polishing paste. Best used for mirror finishing and lightly oxidised, polishable softer alloy, billet and chrome surfaces.

Some key points for Shiny Stuff:

  • Easy work to get a mirror shine by hand, or machine using our Blue Balls or Quick Cone.
  • Formulated specifically for more delicate surfaces like chrome, alloy, glass, brass and other polishable metals.
  • Quickly cleans off light oxidation and light chrome pitting.
  • Seals and protects the polished areas, so the shine lasts longer.


Metal Polish:

A medium grade polishing liquid, blended with diminishing abrasives for more oxidised, tarnished, dull, water marked and stained metals. Best on polishable stainless steel and harder alloy surfaces.

Some key points for Metal Polish:

  • Fast acting liquid polish to restore shine to dull metal.
  • Use by hand or machine with our Blue Balls and Quick Cone polishing tools.
  • Ideal for alloy, stainless steel, billet and harder metals.
  • Seals and protects the polished area.
  • Residue washes off with just water.

** Make sure that the metal surface you are using is suitable for this polish. Don't use it on lacquered metals, fine silver, zinc plating or anodised aluminum. It will remove these coatings from the metal.


For more information on using Metal Polish and Shiny Stuff by hand with a Dirty Deeds cloth, check out our guide here:



Use Nitrile gloves if needed. Read your drills instructions before use. No matter how much fun you think it might be, do not use this under the influence of drugs or alcohol, as you'll have a really bad time.

Do not use Metal Polish on chromed or clear coated surfaces. Test for clear coat by putting a small dollop of Metal Polish on a cloth and gently rub into a small, inconspicuous section in a side to side motion. If black residue comes off onto the cloth, it's not clear coated and you can use these polishing tools and a metal polish.

Use with the liquid Metal Polish for stainless steel, chequer plate and harder polishable metals. Use our Shiny Stuff fine paste for soft alloys, chrome, billet and aluminium.

Blue Balls Instructions

Mini Me

Depending on what you will be polishing, you can either use the steel drill bit, or attach the extension rod to the Blue Ball Mini Me (the extension rod comes with the Blue Ball Mini Me). This extension rod has an outer plastic sheath that allows the inner metal rod to spin freely. This shields your hands and prevents it from damaging anything it might touch while you're polishing. It's also handy to hold and help control the ball when polishing as well.

To attach the extension rod, hold the ball firmly with one hand and rotate the drill bit with a smaller shifter or 10mm spanner (if it's tight, use a set of multi grips on the plastic black section), and unscrew the drill bit.

Screw on the extension rod to the thread by turning the exposed silver metal tip (not the plastic sheath) to tighten it to the ball.

Big Daddy

Simply attach tightly to your power drill and set to a clockwise rotation so that the ball is secured safely into the drill. The bigger ball gives a larger surface area to cut polishing time for bigger jobs. If you've purchased the Blue Ball Mini Me, you can also attach the extension rod to the Big Daddy for those hard to reach areas. The Big Daddy and the Mini Me Blue Balls are reversible, to give you two sides for polishing and to extend the life of the balls. The process for this is outlined later in the article, under the "Double the life of your Blue Ball" heading.

Step 1

Work in a cooler place, in the shade, out of the direct sun.

Clean the metal area by either washing or use our Clean Detail spray.

Spread and knead the metal polish of choice evenly around the balls foam that will contact the metal surface.

Using both hands on the drill, or one on the extension rod if fitted (which only comes with the Blue Ball Mini Me), slowly work over a smaller section of the metal surface at a SLOW speed so it doesn't create splatter.

Step 2

Once spread and you're used to how it feels on the surface, turn up to a low/medium speed (1200rpm) and gently push down the foam ball with mild pressure. Slowly work back and forth over the area for up to a minute. Be cautious around rough edges, or protuding parts, so it doesn't catch and tear off the Blue Balls foam tabs.

Turn machine off and wipe black residue away with a clean Dirty Deeds cloth (you may need a few cloths for bigger jobs). TIP - It's easier to clean black residue off while it's still wet, so don't work it till it's dry.

Once you're happy with the shine, continue onto the next area. If not, repeat the above process. If you notice micro-scoring marks in the metal, slow the drill speed down and work it for less time.

Once done, grab a cool refreshing beverage and admire the new, beautiful shine.


Doubling the life of your Blue Ball

Both the Big Daddy and Mini Me Blue Balls are reversible to give you a fresh foam surface and extended life by flipping the drill bit from one side of the ball to the other.

  • Loosen the bit by holding the ball with one hand and rotating the bit with the other, in an anti-clockwise direction (if needed, use a small shifter or 10mm spanner).
  • Completely remove the bit and retaining washer from out of the foam.
  • From the opposite side, open the foam and remove the four pronged core.
  • Turn foam ball the other way, open the foam up and carefully re-insert the plastic core from the other way. Be sure to align the four prongs of the plastic core with the locating holes in the foam.
  • Re-assemble washer and bit, slowly hand tightening the bit (don't over-tighten), while taking care that the plastic core is aligned with the four corresponding holes still in the foam ball.

Quick Cone Instructions

The cone design is ideal for both broader and tight areas, as well as curved sections like deep dish wheels, wider spoke wheels and alloy bars. It's made of a quality German foam, with a firm tip and cut tabs at the base for more uniform polishing on curves.

Same rules apply here, so don't use on chromed or clear coated surfaces, unless using with Shiny Stuff. Test for clear coat by putting a small dollop of Metal Polish on a cloth and gently rub into a small, inconspicuous section in a side to side motion. If black residue comes off onto the cloth, it's not clear coated and you can use the Quick Cone and a metal polish.

Use with the liquid Metal Polish for stainless steel, chequer plate and harder polishable metals. Use our Shiny Stuff fine paste for soft alloys, billet and aluminium.

Step 1

Work in a cooler place, in the shade, our of the direct sun.

Clean the metal area by either washing or use our Clean Detail spray.

Spread and knead the Metal Polish or Shiny Stuff evenly around the cones foam that will contact the metal surface.

Using both hands on the drill, slowly work over a smaller section of the metal surface at a SLOW speed so it doesn't splatter.

Step 2

Once spread, and you're used to how it feels on the surface, turn up to a low/medium speed (1200rpm) and gently push down on the foam with mild pressure. Slowly work back and forth over the area for up to a minute. Be cautious around rough edges, or protruding parts so it doesn't catch and tear the Quick Cone.

Turn machine off and wipe the black residue from the surface with a clean Dirty Deeds (you may need a few cloths for bigger jobs). TIP - It's easier to clean black residue off while it's still wet, so don't work it till it's dry.

Once you're happy with the shine, continue onto the next area. If not, repeat the above process.

Once done, grab a cool refreshing beverage and admire the beautiful new shine.


Checker Plate

Checker Plate can be challenging to polish due to the size and the grooves in the plate itself.

We find that by using a combination of the Quick Cone and the large Blue Ball, it makes quick work of these surfaces.

If the Checker Plate is badly oxidised, start by using the Metal Polish first to remove the worst of the oxidation. Put a generous amount onto the Quick Cone or large Blue Ball, then begin slowly on the drill to spread the product across the surface. Once it's been spread, then increase the speed of the drill to start revealing a clean finish.

Once the worst of the oxidation has been removed, put some Shiny Stuff on your chosen polishing tool and repeat the above process until the desired finish is achieved. If you don't have a fresh polishing tool for this stage, you can simply rinse the tool out in fresh water and the Metal Polish will rinse straight out. Attach the tool to the drill again, and run it for a short period of time to remove as much excess water as possible, before putting Shiny Stuff onto your chosen polishing tool.

Badly oxidised or pitted metals

If the surface is severely oxidised, pre-clean by gently rubbing down in a side to side motion with 0000 super fine grade steel wool and use Clean Detail as the lubricant. This will remove heavier pitting, rust spots and other debris, but keep in mind that this can cause marks in the surface, which will then need to be polished out on some surfaces.

This is to be used as a last resort if Shiny Stuff and Metal Polish aren't removing the marks.

Steel wool can be useful on some chrome to remove rust spots that have set in, then polish the area with our polishing tools and Shiny Stuff paste for a mirror finish.

Be sure to then wipe the area clean with a clean and dry Dirty Deeds cloth before doing any polishing. This is extremely important so you don't cause extra scratching by polishing with debris in your polishing tools.



Cleaning up

For an easy clean up afterwards, we have made the new Tru Blu formula of Metal Polish so it washes off with just water. Yes that's right, just water. Feel free to use a gentle soap as well if you really want. This is something you will appreciate if you have used other polishes that seem to have the black residue stay in your hands for days after using them.

If you've got Shiny Stuff on your hands, a gentle soap will be enough to remove it.



The Dirty Deeds microfibre cloths will need to be pre soaked in a bucket with warm water and 50mLs of our Microfibre Wash. Give them some agitation and then rinse in fresh water before machine washing them. Make sure to wash them separately from everything else as the black residue from the polishing will leach into the other cloths they are washed with!


Clean your Blue Balls and Quick Cone with a small amount of Microfibre Wash and some warm water. Gently agitate the foam tools until they're clean, then put them aside and let them compeltely dry, before storing them back in their original packaging.

FAQ - Frequently asked questions

  • What is the difference between Shiny Stuff and Metal Polish?

Shiny Stuff is a super fine abrasive paste. It can be used on the softest of metals and glass, without leaving scratch or score marks, when used properly. Metal Polish is a more abrasive liquid polish, that's more suitable for harder metals, or the first stage in restoring something that's badly oxidised. Think of Metal Polish as the first stage of polishing, then Shiny Stuff is your final stage for an epic shine and finish.

  • Can I use Shiny Stuff/Metal Polish by hand?

Yes, with a high quality microfibre cloth like our Dirty Deeds. You may need to work the product a bit longer to achieve a high shine by hand.

  • Can I use Shiny Stuff/Metal Polish on plastic or painted chrome?

No. Because both of these products contain an abrasive they're not suitable. Paint Cleanse & Restore is much more suitable for this.

  • Can I use Shiny Stuff on glass?

Yes, for mild water spots. For more etched in spots, you may need use Metal Polish or a dedicated water spot removal product.

  • Can I use Shiny Stuff on jewellery?

No, it can damage gold or silver plated metals.

  • I left Shiny Stuff to dry and now it’s hard to remove, how do I get it off?

Spray a couple of sprays of Clean Detail into a clean and fresh Dirty Deeds cloth, and wipe over the residue, then flip to a dry side and wipe off.

  • Can I wash the polishing tools in the machine?

No, the metal components will cause havoc inside the drum, wash by hand.

  • How do I store my Blue Balls/Quick cone?

Once washed out and thoroughly dried, store in the packaging they came in, or in a zip lock bag.

  • Do I need to apply a sealant after using Metal Polish or Shiny Stuff?

Shiny Stuff and Metal Polish both contain a sealant in their formula, but Bead Machine will add longer lasting protection.

  • I accidentally got some shiny stuff onto some plastic/powder coat and it's left a stain - how do I remove it?

Orange Agent sprayed into a soft brush like our Foursome or Plush Brush, agitate the area, and then a thorough rinse off.

Any Questions?

The Blue Ball Big Daddy/Mini Me and Quick Cone can now be found at your local Repco, autObarnSupercheap Auto or Auto One store, as well as many of our other supporting stores nationwide. Part codes for these products are:

Blue Balls Big Daddy: BOBLUBIG
Blue Balls Mini Me: BOBLUMINI
Quick Cone: BOCONE

Shiny Stuff can be found in store at Repco, autObarnSupercheap Auto or Auto One. The product code is BOSSTUFF.

To find your local Bowden's Own stockist, click this link HERE.

If you would like more information about any of the products mentioned here, shoot our team an email to, or FREECALL our office on 1800 351 308.

Happy detailing,

Brett Hobbs

Microfibre Wash Microfibre Wash

Microfibre Wash

Keep your microfibre like new. Our specialised wash restores softness and absorbency to all your cloths.


Dirty Deeds Dirty Deeds

Dirty Deeds

A very useful 2 cloth pack, created for all the dirtier jobs around your car and bike.


Clean Detail Clean Detail

Clean Detail

A safe cleaning detail spray, for quick work on engine bays, door jambs, interior hard surfaces and more.


Metal Polish Metal Polish

Metal Polish

A medium grade polish for an epic mirror shine of polishable dull metals.


Blue Ball Big Daddy Blue Ball Big Daddy

Blue Ball Big Daddy

Makes bigger metal polishing jobs easy.


Blue Ball Mini Me Blue Ball Mini Me

Blue Ball Mini Me

Makes polishing more intricate metal areas a breeze.


Quick Cone Quick Cone

Quick Cone

For quick and easy metal polishing of flat and curved areas.


Metal Polishing Pack Metal Polishing Pack

Metal Polishing Pack

Quickly bring any polishable metal up like a mirror with this great pack.


Shiny Stuff Shiny Stuff

Shiny Stuff

Fine grade metal polishing paste for your chrome and softer polishable metals.


Metal polishing by hand
Metal polishing by hand